Friday, December 7, 2012

Sabina Kane #2: The Mage in Black Review

PrintTitle: Sabina Kane #2: The Mage in Black

Author: Jaye Wells

Date of Publication: April 1, 2010

Formats Available: Paperback, E-Book

Synopsis: When Sabina Kane arrives in New York to meet her mage side of the family she doesn't know what to expect. When Adam is immediately sent on an assignment shortly after they arrive Sabina finds herself alone with her sister and the other leaders in mage politics. As she struggles to understand her magical powers, as well as her new family, it soon becomes apparent that someone is after her life. As she doges attempts on her life and the flirtations of one of her old friends, Slade, Sabina finds herself deeply involved with the political intrigue surrounding the mages and Dominae. Now Sabina must find a way to protect her sister and stop her grandmother from destroying the family that she has just started to care about.

My Review:

After the action packed fun of Red-Headed Stepchild I was eager to start The Mage in Black. However it soon became apparent that this novel wouldn't hold the same amount of excitement and intrigue that the previous novel offered. While I did enjoy this novel I found myself getting bored until about the last 100 pages or so where the novel finally picked up and the kick-ass Sabina I remember from the first novel returned.

The majority of this novel was spent on Sabina mastering her magical powers, the half-hearted attempts on her life, and interactions with her new family and old flame Slade. While I didn't dislike this novel I was definitely bored by it, The Mage in Black just didn't deliver the kick I expected. I was especially disappointed that Adam was gone for almost the whole novel, I really like his relationship with Sabina and their interactions make me smile.

Just like in the previous novel Giguhl was absolutely hilarious. His witty comments and hilarious dialogue definitely made up for how slow the plot was in the beginning. Him and his new girlfriend, Valva, made a comical couple and I couldn't help but laugh out loud at their whirlwind romance.

Sabina isn't my favorite heroine but I enjoy reading about her. Sometimes she's a little over the top and doesn't allow anyone to help her just because she's trying to be difficult, which annoys me a little bit. However, she isn't bad and sometimes reading about a girl who isn't afraid of anyone or anything makes a fun read.

Although this novel didn't live up to the first I still enjoyed it and the ending left hope that the next novel in the series will be just as fun and exciting as the first. So far an enjoyable series I like the Sabina Kane and I'm excited to see where the story goes. While this novel wasn't the best I'm still interested to see where the story goes.


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